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How to Create your own Husk & Seed Spa at home this Valentines Weekend - Husk & Seed

How to Create your own Husk & Seed Spa at home this Valentines Weekend

At Husk & Seed we find that the simple pleasures in life are what bring us the most joy.   For us, a hot bath, a face mask and a glass of wine is the ultimate relaxing treat!

Our luxurious skincare products will give you everything you need to create a soothing and nurturing space for self-care within the comfort of your bathroom. 

Set the mood with your favourite, relaxing music. Light a candle to calm your senses and relax your mood. Try to pick a smokeless candle made with essential oils and a relaxing blend (look for lavender, orange, frankincense or jasmine).

If wine isn’t your thing, then how about a herbal tea to suit your mood...calming, detoxifying, reviving, invigorating. We like lemongrass and ginger which will also clear congestion. Other options include fennel and lemon or chamomile for deep relaxation.

In preparation for your relaxing treatment collect some fluffy, cotton towels and washcloths, warm from the airing cupboard and put them next to you.

Run a bath and add some of our deeply relaxing Plum & Vetiver Bath Soak, a delicate powder that fills your bath with skin-loving plum, coconut and jojoba oils.  We’ve added pink Himalayan salts to ease tired, overworked muscles and essential oils vetiver, frankincense and mandarin to relax and calm your busy mind. 

Once you’re in the bath, apply our Gently Nourishing Cleansing Balm to a dry face and neck. Place both hands over your face for a few moments and inhale the wonderful aroma of grapefruit and lavender essential oils to instantly calm and ground you.  Remove the balm with a hot cloth, laying the cloth over your face to allow the heat to penetrate your pores and relax your facial muscles.  This feels like heaven!

Now skin is calm and soft, apply a thick layer of Calm & Soothe Face Mask. Leave it on for 15 minutes while you give yourself a facial massage. The health benefits of facial massage are amazing. Even a short massage reduces puffiness, drains lymph to release toxins, defines the jaw line, improves circulation and relaxes any tension in the head and face.

Remove the mask with a hot cloth and apply a few drops of our Overnight Replenishing Oil to plump and nourish your skin.  The Jasmine and Frankincense oils will also help prepare you for a deep, relaxing night’s sleep.

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